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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Still more scrum ..

One more post about Scrum and then we will move on. I promise..

We saw what scrum means and how it becomes an extremely useful means in any Agile implementation. I'd like shed some light on situations where some adjusment might be needed to achieve full potential of Scrum.

From my professional experiences, there could be situations in a project, where on a particular day in an Iteration, the team gets bogged down by issues and can't deliver goods for that day. This is very common in Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence (DW/BI) projects. I personally have spent a few days in succession where nothing significant was achieved. That doesn't mean that team wasn't working. The team was super busy but they were chasing issues beyond their control, for that matter anyone's control. There could be dependencies on the other teams and if those other teams aren't Agile, the situation becomes a bit messy. The reasons are endless. The key in these situations is to hang in there and stay plugged in. Eventually the issues would be resolved and work would be DONE. You can quote me on this..!. 

The job of the Scrum master in these situations becomes very crucial. She needs to be aware of all the issues that team is facing and make sure that they get what they need to keep making progress. Another crucial point in these situations is to have regular contact with the Product owner and the other stake holders, so that they are on the same page. In almost all the situations, they understand and co-operate very well with the things and even try to help the team.
Trust me with proper communication and follow up things DO start falling in place and the team does get back on track from schedule point of view. 

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